Sunday, March 18, 2007

Her name is Jamie

Today and yesterday, I saw a girl for the first time in a long time. We met years ago, and dated or were chasing each other for most of the intervening time. Laughter was heard, hearts were broken, tears were shed, and lessons were learned.

I last saw her in August of last year, and now it's March. She has changed, and so have I. She held me, and I held her, and I looked at her face, into her eyes. There, I saw something new. Where every time I've thought of her since, I felt regret, guilt, and pain, this time I felt my heart giving up the ghost. I loved this girl, and at one time she was everything to me, and she felt the same way. I bear the scars of that devotion, and so does she. But now, today, I think I have overcome the past, and I feel ready to accept that the past is past, and the future is waiting.

"Some things die, but their corpses make good fertilizer."

~ T

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