Monday, March 12, 2007

"Youth is truly wasted on the young"

The topic of today's blog is youth. To be young, one must be reckless and unable to appreciate the value of the state.

Today I was thinking upon the nature of youth, because I am constantly living in fear of misspending mine. I don't smoke, drink, or do any illegal drugs. However, the desire to do these things has permeated my being thoroughly until recently, and only the lack of any opportunity to engage in these activities has prevented me from doing so. It seems that these activities have been closely intertwined with the concept of being young in my mind. To err is human, and to make mistakes is the prime characteristic of childhood and immaturity. If one does not make mistakes, then one has never lived on his own, instead vicariously feeding off the experiences of others who have come before. If I do not learn the lessons myself, how do I know that something was not lost in the communication of the truths the last generation has imparted to me?

A friend tells me that I'm not missing anything by not going to parties, and to focus on school and my future is the proper course. Yet another friend would have me believe that getting high is the best part of life. I don't know who to trust, and even trusting at all seems like a bad plan to me in general.

Confusion rules my life right now, and these thoughts were extracted from the meanderings of my mind. I hope the words taught you something.


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