Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today, I've been listening to "The Hush Sound", and finding them delightful. Soothing, inspirational, or something else entirely depending on what track you listen to, this band is all over the place. The music is smooth and easy on the ears, and heavily lyrical, all characteristics I am heavily fond of. One trait I am particularly fond of is that every one of their love songs has a metaphor or tells a story, rather than rehashing the same words every pop band has used for years. Seriously, check this band out.

In other news, the site administrator of my home on the internet, the CBG, is getting married today. Congratulations Ishmayl! The website he presides over is a community of intellectuals and RPG gamers, all gathered together in one place for the purpose of designing (fictional) worlds. If this sounds like your kind of place, check it out here. I stop by every day, and my user-name is Natural 20. See you there!

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